Kettlesing Felliscliffe CP School
Crag Lane
01423 770576

October 20th 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, Elevate Multi Academy Trust have withdrawn from negotiations around the conversion of Ripley, Beckwithshaw and Kettlesing. This was at very short notice and all the plans of the IEB around leadership had been based on a conversion date of November 1st.

Mr Whitehead who has worked alongside Miss Kirkman as Co Executive Interim Headteacher is no longer available after October half – term, as he too had based personal and professional plans around the expected conversion date. We owe Mr Whitehead and Miss Kirkman a huge debt of gratitude for all they have accomplished.

The Governors of Admiral Long and Birstwith Schools, of which Miss Kirkman is the substantive Head, have agreed that she can continue in her part – time role as Co Executive Interim Headteacher of our Federation for the time being while leadership for the full academic year continues to be explored. We are delighted that she is able to do so and so help us continue the school improvement journey.

The post will be shared with Miss Kirkman by Mrs Foy who many of you know is our Federation SENDCO. Mrs Foy has worked very closely with Mr Whitehead and Miss Kirkman and other Senior Leaders and has gained a vast amount of leadership experience in a relatively short time. We are confident that her commitment and dedication to the Federation will, with Miss Kirkman’s strategic vision, experience and insight provide a strong leadership team as we move forward. The LA is continuing to provide enhanced support and we have also brokered some leadership support from another local school to strengthen our own middle leaders.

We would like to invite you all to an information evening on Monday 5th December at 6.00pm in All Saints Church, Ripley, where members of the IEB, the LA and Diocese will be available to explain all our options moving forward.

I realise that this is an unsettling time for us all, but I do want to reassure you again that our priority is the continued improved education and safety of the children, and we will do all we can to assure this.

Kind regards,

Anne Vetch

Vice – Chair IEB

[email protected]